
Innovative Solutions At Every Turn

Now more than ever, water is an integral part of the success of oil and gas operations in shale basins. With new environmental pressures, complexities in securing water sources and challenges in properly managing treatment and disposal, oilfield operators are experiencing logistical challenges like never before.

Fluidity™ is Select Energy Service’s distinct capability to engineer, construct and manage an all-inclusive, customized solution for water sourcing, transfer, containment, treatment, beneficial reuse, recycle, transport, disposal and infrastructure related development.  Through Fluidity™, producers have full access to our unmatched team of hydrologists, engineers, project development professionals, chemists, and PhDs. This approach enables Select Energy Services to devise environmentally responsible, economic solutions that lower approval for expenditure (AFE) and lease operating expenses (LOE) costs, throughout the life cycle of the well.

This first of its kind combination provides the ability to assist operators at virtually every phase of the water cycle. Fluidity™ expertise includes:  Water Sourcing, Water Transfer, Well Testing, Water Treatment, Transportation and Disposal.

Fluidity’s™ comprehensive approach creates significant advantages, such as:

  • Optimized Project Efficiency:  Upfront planning & proper execution avoids drilling delays and curtailments
  • Minimized Costs:  Cost savings in resource procurement, infrastructure build and transportation resulting in lower AFE and LOE costs and extending the life of the well
  • Reduced Environmental Impact:  Lower water consumption and disposal and trucking leading to a smaller environmental footprint
  • Consistent, Professional Interface:  Managed and coordinated interaction with community and regulatory bodies
  • Expert Partnership:  Execution, technical and regulatory expertise adding significant knowledge and support to your operation

Most importantly, Fluidity™ takes the best of what Select has to offer to empower operators to focus on what’s important to them—oil and gas production.

Contact us to learn more.